Spined loach (Cobitis taenia)

The Spined loach Care and Food Tips for Keeping in Aquarium

The spined loach (Cobitis taenia) is a common, popular, and beautiful freshwater fish in Europe. Sometimes, people know it as the spotted loach. There are many species of this loach. These species of loaches live in groups. These are even members of the Loach family.

In terms of physical structure, they are tall and thin. This loach looks beautiful. This loach’s length is up to 8-10 cm. This spined loach eats a variety of healthy and nutritious foods.

In today’s article, we will discuss the spined loach’s diversity of lifestyle, food, environment, and benefits. So, let’s learn about spined loaches.

Spined loach Description

Scientific name: Cobitis taenia

Conservation status: Least Concern Encyclopedia of Life

Family: Cobitidae


  • The spined loach typically grows up to 8-10 cm.
  • Even female loaches grow up to 12 cm.
  • They have a yellow-brown color on their back.
  • The bellies are yellow or orange. The body is long and thin. 
  • There are 6 barbells around the mouth and two spikes under the eyes, through which they can attack the enemy.

Life History

The spined loach prefers wooded areas around. They always like a little interesting place. This helps them lead a healthy life. This loach is very popular with all aquarium enthusiasts.

The spined loach is an attractive little fish. Which is found in rivers throughout Europe and Asia. Spined loaches usually reach good structure late at around one year of age. Male spotted loaches display more vibrant colors in late spring and early summer

The spined loach continues to increase in size as they age. They are typically a dull brown or olive color, with darker patches and lighter stripes along their bodies.

life history of spined loach

Spined loaches are an exciting and unique fish species with a fascinating reproductive cycle and lifecycle. Their parental care, colorful courtship displays, and role in their ecosystem make them valuable to any aquarium.

Importance of conservation

One of the key reasons why the conservation of spined loach is essential is its role in the food chain. As a small fish, the spined loach is prey for larger fish, birds, and mammals.

Furthermore, spined loach plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of freshwater habitats. As bottom-dwelling fish, they help to keep the substrate clean by feeding on detritus and algae. 

In addition to their ecological importance, spined loach also has cultural significance. So, they have been an essential part of human history and folklore for centuries, with many cultures viewing them as symbols of luck, prosperity, and resilience.

Appearance and Behavior of the Spined loach

  • The spined loach is a little shy nature and freshwater fish. 
  • They live in Europe and Asia, and the country has some beautiful loach fish. 
  • These fish are beautiful loaches in the country and are very familiar creatures. 
  • These fish are prevalent for their attractive appearance. 
  • One of the distinguishing characteristics of spined loaches is their spiky appearance. 
  • They even have three sharp cuts on their backs. 
  • One of the most distinctive features of the spined loach is that it is usually light brown or olive, which is why everyone loves to watch it. 
  • The spined loach fins’ primary color is red. The eyes of the spined loach are relatively large and located on the top of its head.
  • The vision of this species is very sharp and strong.

On the other hand, this spined loach can easily see distant objects. Spined loaches are very popular among aquarists. This loach looks beautiful.

Diet and Feed in Habits of Spined loach

The loach is a very predatory animal. This loach’s length is up to 8-10 cm. This spined loach eats a variety of foods. They eat a variety of foods when they are in the wild. They eat a variety of nutritious foods.

 Among their nutritious foods are bellowed:

  1. Live Bloodworms
  2. Brine shrimp
  3. Daphnia
  4. Green vegetables.
  5. Blanched vegetables like zucchini or cucumber.
  6. High-quality flake food.

They can also eat small vegetables like small cucumbers. The spined loach prefers to eat algae and other plant matter. However, it is essential to provide a varied diet for your spined loach so that they get enough nutrients to stay healthy.

Physical Characteristics

One of the most characteristic features of a spined loach is a long, elongated body. However, another characteristic of spined loach is its attractiveness, distinct from color and a healthy body. They are known for their fins. 

These fins run straight along the fish’s body; these fins are thin and very flexible. Even these fins act as self-defense; by doing this, they can block the enemy through this fin. There is some barbell around the cut loach. These are sensory parts. The spined loach is attractive to fish physically and features a different beauty. This fish is a popular fish for everyone.

Tips for Keeping Spined loach in Aquarium

Regarding water conditions, spined loaches prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. They also thrive in water temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. So, Regular water changes and monitoring of water parameters will help ensure a healthy environment for your spined loaches. 

Tips for Keeping Spined loach in Aquarium

The contribution of spined loach to maintaining water quality in aquariums is immense. These fish are very sensitive to changes in water parameters so they can swim properly and healthily. One thing to remember when keeping a spined loach is their aggressive behavior. They are known to form tight-fit groups.

They can be seen swimming and foraging simultaneously in the tank, mating with friends and other small fish they associate with. Regarding behavior, the spined loach is an active and social fish. This makes them enjoy exploring around and interacting with each other. 

Moreover, the contribution of your spined loach to creating a welcoming and healthy environment is immeasurable. Some clean tank mates for spined loach are guppies, tetras-danios, rasboras.


The contribution of the spined loach is unlimited. This loach is very famous to everyone. They are shy freshwater fish. This fish is very attractive to all aquarium lovers, so the spined loach is a popular fish.

How big is the spined loach?

Length Yes, the spined loach’s length is 13.5 cm. It tends to be slightly longer than the other loach. This loach plays a vital role in making all Aquariums attractive.

What do spined loaches eat?

In aquarium settings, spined loaches will gladly accept various foods.
This can include high-quality fish pellets, freeze-dried or frozen foods such as bloodworms or brine shrimp, and even live foods like bloodworms or daphnia.

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